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Last Updated: 9:15 AM 09 APR

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VDP Report

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What is VDP Report?

VDP (Volume, Delivery, and Price) report is a comprehensive analysis that provides information about the volume of shares traded, the percentage of shares delivered, and the price movement of stocks. It helps traders assess market liquidity, investor behavior, and price trends for making informed trading decisions.

Features available in VDP Report

  • Rising VDP (Volume, Delivery, and Price) report identifies stocks with increased trading volume, delivery percentage, and price simultaneously.
  • Helps traders spot stocks gaining market interest and experiencing positive price trends.
  • Enables identification of potential investment opportunities.
  • Provides insights into market sentiment and trading activity.
  • Helps traders stay updated with stocks showing upward momentum.

How to interpret VDP Report?

On the TalkOptions website, traders are provided with two tabs: "Rise in Price" and "Fall in Price". When the "Rise in Price" tab is selected, the VDP report shows stocks that have experienced a significant increase in price over the last 3 days. It includes the stock name, the quantity traded, the quantity delivered, and the price for each of the past 3 days. Similarly, when the "Fall in Price" tab is selected, the VDP report displays stocks that have witnessed a notable decrease in price over the last 3 days. It includes the stock name, the quantity traded, the quantity delivered, and the price for each of the past 3 days. By considering the combined analysis of volume, delivery, and price, traders can make informed trading decisions. They can identify potential investment opportunities based on stocks that exhibit high trading volume, significant delivery participation, and favorable price movements. Overall, the VDP report enables traders to assess market sentiment, identify trends, and potentially capitalize on stocks that are attracting market interest and experiencing noteworthy price movements. It serves as a valuable tool for traders in understanding market dynamics and making informed trading decisions.
