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Last Updated: 09/01/2024, 9:15AM

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Bulk/Block Deals

Watch here, How to use Bulk/Block Deals?

What are Bulk deals?

Bulk Deals : Bulk deals refer to significant transactions of a specific stock where the quantity bought or sold exceeds a predefined threshold. These deals are often conducted by institutional investors or high-net-worth individuals.

What are Block deals?

Block Deals : Block deals are large-sized trades of shares that involve a substantial number of shares being bought or sold in a single transaction. These deals are executed outside the regular trading window and are typically carried out by institutional investors or mutual funds.

Features available for Bulk/Block Deals

  • Separate Tabs : Access information on Bulk Deals and Block Deals on the TalkOptions website.
  • Detailed Information : View deal date, scrip name, client name, deal type, quantity, traded price, and trade value.
  • Insights and Opportunities : Monitor market activities, identify trends, understand institutional investor behavior, and make informed trading decisions.

How to interpret Bulk/Block Deals?

The Bulk Deals and Block Deals feature on the TalkOption website provides valuable information about significant transactions in the stock market. Traders can access this information through dedicated tabs, allowing them to view transactions organized by date. Details such as the deal date, scrip name, client name, deal type, quantity, traded price, and trade value are displayed, offering comprehensive insights into each transaction. By monitoring these deals, traders can gain valuable market insights, identify emerging trends, and understand the behavior of institutional investors. This information empowers traders to make well-informed decisions, align their strategies with market sentiment, spot potential investment opportunities, and stay updated with key market movements and participants.
