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Last Updated: 09/01/2024, 9:15AM

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Out & Under Performance

Watch here, How to use Out & Under Performance?

What are Out Performers?

Outperformers refer to stocks that have demonstrated better performance or higher returns compared to a benchmark, market index such as Nifty 50 or their peers within a specific time period.

What are Under Performers?

Stocks that have underperformed over a given period of time in comparison to a benchmark, or market index such as Nifty 50 or their peers will be considered underperformers.

Features available Out & Under Performers

  • Comparisons with Nifty Benchmark : Compare stock returns with the Nifty index.
  • Timeframes :Analyze performance over different time periods.
  • Identify potential investments with outperformers.
  • Evaluate weak stocks and make informed selling decisions with underperformers.

How to interpret Out & Under Performers?

Traders can analyze these return comparisons across different timeframes, ranging from one day to one year. They also have the flexibility to choose a specific stock index from the dropdown menu. All the data provided in this section is sourced from the NSE exchange. Within this section, traders can view essential details such as the stock name, last traded price, previous week's closing price, change in weekly returns, change in Nifty returns for the week, and the percentage by which the stock has outperformed Nifty.

Leveraging the out-performers data enables traders to identify stocks that exhibit strong performance, thereby indicating potential investment opportunities. Conversely, the under-performers data helps in evaluating weak stocks, aiding in making informed decisions about selling or reducing holdings. Moreover, this data provides valuable insights into market trends and sectoral performance, facilitating a better understanding of overall market dynamics. By monitoring these metrics, traders can effectively manage risks, optimize their portfolios, and stay updated with the ever-changing market conditions, empowering them to make more informed and strategic trading decisions.”
